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Monday, July 16, 2012

Laura Mercier Amazing Concealer Review

It’s no secret that I’ve struggled with covering up my under eye circles over the years. No matter how much sleep I’ve gotten they still manage to show up. Although I think drinking plenty of fluids and getting proper sleep does help, sometimes I just need a little something extra to make sure I don’t look like the walking dead.

Enter Laura Mercier Amazing Concealer. Holy smokes you guys … this stuff really works. Adrianne introduced me to it (notice a theme here?) a few months back when I was complaining to her about my dreaded under eye issues. She had nothing but amazing things to say about the product and suggested I go try it for myself.

I raced over to Sephora on my lunch to talk to a beauty consultant and try some for myself. I was in love. She told me about all the different ways I could apply it and what steps to take to maximize the coverage. She told me to first blend some under my eyes with my fingers since I could control the amount of coverage better and it would warm up the area allowing for better blending. She said that if there was still spots that I wanted more coverage for that I could use a small concealer brush to touch it up. Although the appearance of my under eye circles will never COMPLETELY go away – this stuff really helps.

I also use this on blemishes and other areas that I need a little correction on and it works great. I typically do my eye makeup then put my BB cream all over my face then add the concealer and finish my face with bronzer and blush. If I need a little extra help under my eyes I add a little more at the very end.

And that’s it! If you need a little help under your eyes or want to try a completely amazing concealer give this on a try – you won’t be disappointed!

What beauty products do you own that you can’t live without? Have you found any concealers that make magic happen?

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