Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Tips for Brides: How to Stay Stress Free During Wedding Planning

I can't believe how quickly our wedding has approached. It feels like yesterday when we got engaged (October 2011) and now this Saturday we will finally be husband and wife. We took on a lot of the planning, organizing, crafting, etc. for our wedding and it became almost like another full time job for us both! Luckily I have Jay, who has been very involved since the beginning and it's really helped a lot with all of the tasks that we need to get done. I have tried very hard to stay as stress free as possible during this time and I think I've been pretty successful! I know we still have a few more days to freak out, but I know we're all set with all of our plans and things will be just fine.
Here are some tips that have helped me stay a stress free bride for my upcoming wedding day:

1. Ask for help: I'm so lucky that I have an amazing groom, friends and family who all wanted to help with wedding planning. Chances are though, they will never know what you need help with unless you just ask them! I've found that people LOVE to help and it makes  them feel special that you ask them to be involved. Don't feel bad! The worst they can say is no!
2. Start early: Although we had a really long engagement, we got started on things right away. It made the entire planning process much smoother and stress free. Getting stuff done little by little over time was much easier than waiting until the last minute and doing it all at once. If you've got the time, start now!
3. Simplify: I found so much amazing inspiration on Pinterest but slowly became overwhelmed at all the stuff I wanted to do. Take a step back and ask yourself what is necessary and what is extra. Cross those necessary things off of your list and if there is still time for some things on the extras list then great! If not, they are just extras and won't make or break your day. Keep in mind, no one will notice if you didn't get to X,Y, or Z but you! They are there to celebrate you and your love and that's all that matters.
4. Take a break: Take some time away for yourself and your groom to do non-wedding related things. Plan fun date nights or mini trips to get away from all of the planning craziness. You'll come back recharged and ready to tackle your to do list. I also found that keeping with a consistent workout schedule (even when I didn't think I had the time) kept me grounded. The boost of endorphins didn't hurt either!
5. Remember what this day is really about: It's easy to lose sight of the bigger picture when you're stressed. Remember, all that matters is that you're going to soon be married to the love of your life. All that other stuff is just an added bonus. This will probably go wrong but at the end of the day, if you're married to your sweet, that's all that matters! All of your guests are there to celebrate your love and will have a great time even if the cake is wrong or the flowers don't turn out as your imagined.
Fellow brides out there: what are some tips you have to keep stress free?

1 comment:

  1. thanks for sharing but these are all easier said than done. Unique Wedding Favour
